Importance of Final Walkthrough’s on Homes

Importance of Final Walkthrough’s on Homes

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There is often a misconception and/or confusion of what a final walk through is and why it’s important.  A final walk through can sometimes be referred to as a pre-closing inspection. Since the offer was accepted, over the past couple months there have been many professionals working hard to ensure that the closing takes place in a timely fashion! With that being said your real estate agent should now be in touch regarding the scheduling of your final walk through.  Although exciting, the final walk through is important and many things should checked and inspected and not overlooked.  Here is a detailed explanation of what the final through is and why it’s important. This is not an opportunity to thoroughly inspect the electrical panel to check for double tapped wires or that furnace is clean, unless it was agreed upon from the inspection contingency.  The final walk through shouldn’t be an hour or two hour long appointment like a home inspection traditionally is. However Rochester real estate online website mentions a checklist of the many things that should be checked at the final walk through. Prior to a home closing, both the buyer and the seller should call their local utility companies.  This can include the gas, electric, and water providers.  Once a firm closing date and time have been scheduled the seller should contact the utility company to switch the utilities out of their name and the buyer should call to have them switched into their name. Here is the list starting with check exterior, turn all light fixtures on/off. Make sure all fixtures are still there, Turn on heat/air conditioning, Turn on water, Test garage door openers (if applicable), flush toilets, check status of agreed repairs, check included appliances, check windows/doors, and Check storage areas to ensure that they are broom clean. As many clients will sometimes tend to overlook the final walk through, due it seeming like everything was taken care of through the inspections is the wrong perception to have. If there are problems that arise from the final walk through, it’s important to address them quickly.  Real estate agents often will have their client sign a form acknowledging that they are satisfied with the results of the final walk through.  It’s a good idea as it can eliminate problems at the closing. The above explanation of what a final walk through is and why it’s important is why it should not be taken lightly.  There are many costs associated with buying a home, and the last thing that a buyer needs is problems once they’ve moved in due to overlooking something at their final walk through. As we all heard the say “For each their own” so it really comes up to the home-buyer to take this walk through serious. All the anxiety and excitement to wanting to move in right away may overcome the importance of this idea. Taking all outcomes on details and specifics on the home is vital as this is one of the biggest decisions one will make as they will live with their families, and definitely want to feel protected and safe with no worries that nothing go bad.

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