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Why Home Buyers Should Shop in Winter

– Less people shopping means less competition when buying a home.

– This means much less of a chance to get into a bidding war.

– Overall, buyers get a better idea of a how a house holds up when the weather is at its worst, specifically heating, plumbing, roof and gutters.

– It’s easier to think in terms of maintaining an icy driveway, pathway or deck.

– Some homeowners are willing to concede on price and terms, in order to please scant buyers.

– But many sellers are already putting houses on the market with a price intended to sell, so buyers are less likely to go through long negotiations.

– Sellers are motivated by tax purposes, so are more eager to get their home sold prior to the warmer months.Your realtor will have more time on their hands to find you exactly what you want.

Why Homeowners Should Sell in Winter

– Home buyers are much more serious shoppers, not interested in window shopping but have intent to buy.

– This, and other reasons such as job relocations, make these buyers much more motivated.

– There are less properties on the market, particularly less new properties, so sellers of older homes have a better chance of getting at or above listing price.

– Studies show that homes listed in winter stay on the market at least a week less than the normal shopping season.

– They also have around a 10 percent better chance of selling within six months.

– Mortgage rates typically increase after winter, so selling prior will save both parties money.

– February in particular is a great month to list, with about two-thirds of homes listed selling within three months.

“It’s true that most buyers looking in winter months are doing so out of need rather than desire. Job relocations occur very frequently in the early months of the year, leaving buyers with little time to shop. This requires that sellers accommodate inconvenient or sudden showings – but it benefits both in the end. If you’re warming up to winter home shopping, get the process started now by looking at your home loan options at Mortgages in your area. We can help you get an idea of costs and timelines, so you’re prepared to make an offer when you find the perfect place for you and your family.”

After reading the blog titled 15 reasons why buying or selling a home in winter is beneficial. Each might have their own perspective, however the fifteen reasons are without a doubt an interesting and may be a bit to manipulative to some. In addition the fifteen reasons can be different in the variety of markets there are out there. So It is up to individuals to research and get with local investors or realtors to see how houses are transacting. As we all know rates of millennial in the 21st century of buying a home are at an all time low so it is hard to see the many outcomes we will experience in the future.

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